Japanese Textbook LOD

Japanese Textbook Linked Open Data (LOD) is a dataset which includes bibliographic information for textbooks published up to now since the 7th curriculum guideline enforced in 1992, as well as the related information such as the subject areas, the subjects, teaching units, compiling prospectus and the curriculum guidelines.


About Japanese Textbook LOD »

Current Curriculum Guideline (Since AY2020)

Elementary School Curriculum guideline
Lower Secondary School Curriculum guideline
Upper Secondary School Curriculum guideline

Old Curriculum Guideline (Since AY2011)

Elementary School Curriculum guideline
Lower Secondary School Curriculum guideline
Upper Secondary School Curriculum guideline

Old Curriculum Guideline (Since AY2002)

Elementary School Curriculum guideline
Lower Secondary School Curriculum guideline
Upper Secondary School Curriculum guideline

Old Curriculum Guideline (Since AY1992)

Elementary School Curriculum guideline
Lower Secondary School Curriculum guideline
Upper Secondary School Curriculum guideline

Latest dataset

Version 24.0 released.
All teaching unit information for elementary school textbooks authorized in FY2022 and junior high school textbooks authorized in 2019FY and 2020FY has been added. ISBN information has been added for textbooks authorized in FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023. All basic information for the latest compiling prospectus has been added. A link to the tables of corresponding CoS items and durations at compiling prospectus has been added. For newly added units, links to the CoS LOD have been added recursively to the bottom of the hierarchies. The English translations of subjects and subject areas have been updated. Please refer to here for the revision details.

» Past versions

SPARQL Endpoint

The SPARQL endpoint (experimental) for the dataset is available at: https://dydra.com/masao/jp-textbook/@query